NOV 20, 2018 1:00 AM CET

Advanced optical hematology technology for elevated analytical performance

Sponsored by: Abbott

DATE:  November 20, 2018
Europe: 09:00 GMT/WET 10:00 CET / 12:00 MST
Middle East:  12:00 TRT / 13:00 GST
Asia/Pacific:  17:00 SGT / 14:30 IST
Americas:  06:00 ART / 01:00 PDT / 04:00 EDT
Today, hematology analyzers can collect vast amounts of data about cell characteristics, that subsequently improve disease detection. Advanced systems can perform a complete blood count (CBC) and classify multiple cell types, including more than the normal five subclasses of mature white blood cells. They also produce improved flagging of abnormal results to aid further microscopic review. Multi Angle Polarized Scatter Separation (MAPSS™), an optical technology is utilized in Abbott’s hematology analyzers. Abbott’s latest hematology system employs an advanced version of MAPSS technology, as well as a learning algorithm to provide enhanced differentiation of blood cells. In addition, analysis of red blood cells and platelets are performed using entirely optical technology, allowing for the introduction of additional parameters.
In this HIT SERIES, Dr. Mukhtar will review the general principles and capabilities of Abbott’s Advanced MAPSS technology and review a series of cases produced by the hematology system that employs Advanced MAPSS.
Learning Objectives:
  • Describe Advanced MAPSS technology: measurement principles, detectors, reportable parameters, morphological flags, workflow efficiency and demonstration of relevant cases.
  • Discuss RBC/PLT separation using Advanced MAPSS in comparison to impedance and that enables additional parameters. Efficiently demonstrate the relevant cases of microcytic hypochromic anemia and schistocytes with intravascular hemolysis.
  • Review platelet analysis, flags and reticulated platelets in comparison to CD61 and impedance methods with a case demonstration using Advanced MAPSS technology.
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NOV 20, 2018 1:00 AM CET

Advanced optical hematology technology for elevated analytical performance

Sponsored by: Abbott

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