APR 19, 2022 10:30 AM PDT

Panel Presentation: Attain Successful Single-cell Sequencing Results with the Latest Cell and Nuclei Isolation Workflows

Sponsored by: Miltenyi Biotec


Single cell sequencing technologies are widely used to understand cellular mutations, manipulations, and interactions to further research and clinical applications.  However, the success and reliability of these methods depends strongly on the quality of the sample. A poor sample quality, for example containing a lot of dead cells, debris, and contamination from cell-free DNA and RNA, impairs sequencing results and also the costs of an experiment. Consequently, the need to dissociate all types of solid tissues into single-cell suspensions, and isolate target cells and nuclei has grown.

Starting experiments with a fully dissociated, debris-free, viable cell suspension is a critical step to gathering quality data; but it can be difficult to achieve without the right tools and expertise. In this webinar, Miltenyi Biotec will discuss the latest solutions, technical expertise and data to attain quality cells and nuclei for single-cell sequencing from virtually any tissue.

Learning Objectives:

1. List which steps in a genomics workflow are most likely to impair sample quality and how to improve those procedures.

2. Explain how the latest methods for hands-free tissue and cell dissociation can improve your cell and nuclei quality.

3. Discuss how critical cell and nuclei sorting steps can be designed to have less of an impact on cells by using the right technology to decrease stress and increase cell viability.

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