SEP 23, 2020 7:30 AM PDT

Cell Culture Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

Sponsored by: MilliporeSigma


Cell culture continues to be a critical tool for most life science research and applications.  From HeLa to iPSCs and 3D to organoids, culture methods have become more advanced and techniques further refined.  During this presentation we will discuss different model systems and current trends in cell culture, sharing tips and tricks for optimizing your culture conditions.  Troubleshooting problematic cell cultures with our experts ensures reproducible data and faster generation of impactful science.

Learning Objectives:

1. Basic techniques such as thawing cells, passaging cells, transfection, and cryopreservation

2. Tips on how to prevent/overcome some of the most common issues in cell culture such as contamination and cell line misidentification