OCT 10, 2019 7:30 AM PDT

Keynote Presentation: Cancer Prevention for the Practicing Oncologist - Recommendations for Cancer Patients and Their Families

  • Ernest Hawk, MD, MPH

    Vice President & Division Head for Cancer Prevention & Population Sciences, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center


The Keynote Address will highlight eight actions that individuals can take to reduce their cancer risk. These recommendations span lifestyle modifications, cancer screening and molecular prevention. The evidence supporting these recommendations will be reviewed. The presentation will also describe the elements of a clinical cancer prevention program, using examples from MD Anderson’s Cancer Prevention Center.

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify evidence-based actions that can be recommended to individuals to reduce their cancer risk and understand the data supporting them.
2. Describe elements of building a clinical cancer prevention program.

OCT 10, 2019 7:30 AM PDT

Keynote Presentation: Cancer Prevention for the Practicing Oncologist - Recommendations for Cancer Patients and Their Families