MAR 15, 2017 10:30 AM PDT

Neurocartography in the era of Big Data



Dr. Kasthuri is a Neuroscience Researcher at Argonne National Labs and an Assistant Professor (adjunct) in the Dept. of Neurobiology, University of Chicago.  He has an MD from Washington University School of Medicine and a D.Phil. from Oxford University where he studied as a Rhodes scholar.  As a post-doctoral fellow, Dr. Kasthuri developed an automated approach to large volume serial electron microscopy (‘connectomics’).  Currently, the Kasthuri lab continues to innovate new approaches to brain mapping  including making connectomics samples more amenable to automatic segmentation and combining proteomic and genomic approaches with electron microscopy.  We are also now exploring the use of high-energy x-rays from synchrotron sources for mapping brains in their entirety. The Kasthuri lab is applying these techniques to developing, adult, and aged brains in service of answering the question: how do brains grow up and age?

MAR 15, 2017 10:30 AM PDT

Neurocartography in the era of Big Data