Next-gen protein assays enabling precision medicine and data-driven biology



Proteins are the functional blocks of any biological entity from 50 nm sized viruses to the 100 ft long mammals (blue whale). They perform intra cellular, tissue, organ, system, or organism level essential functions. As one of the most diverse, the human proteome consists of millions of different proteins serving even a greater number of functions. Most diseases are viewed and targeted from a proteomic perspective via 1) a result of functional change of a protein, 2) up or down regulation of a protein 3) or introduction of intruder proteins to serve intruder functions (ie infection). In this perspective, most drugs developed in pharma (along with the ones in the pipeline) are either a small molecule targeting a protein, or they are proteins themselves, or involves a genomic approach again targeting to fix a proteomic problem at the functional level. While in the early stage discovery phase, mass spec is utilized; in most downstream stages of R&D, immunoassays are the work horse. Every day, the relevance of proteomic data for actionable outcomes is increasing.  Despite this interest, from the early days since the technology was introduced (1950s), immunoassays have not seen much of a change.  The principle underlying biophysics still relies on diffusion limited interaction of a capture molecule (usually an antibody) and the target molecule. Expanding on the above discussion, we will talk about the biophysical challenges prohibiting the ubiquitous adoption of immunoassays and general shortcomings. Later we will discuss how Correlia’s ANDI gel technology coupled with advanced automation offers complete workflow solutions, speeds up assays, and reduces sample use.  We will also discuss how these value offerings increase decision making prover, open up new possibilities in precision medicine, and enable more data driven biology. The talk will end with reflections over the role of efficient immunoassays in the fight with COVID-19.

Learning Objectives:

1. How microfluidics advancements coupled with automation offer solutions to overcome challenges with 70-year-old ELISA technology

2. How above solutions can be applied to precision medicine, pharma drug development, and the fight with COVID-19