NOV 15, 2018 10:30 AM PST

Cervical Cancer: Everlasting World Health Challenge



The main problem for insufficient cervical cancer screening globally (less than 20% women at risk) is outreach failure. Enabling POCs with modern IT/mobile technology and connecting them with remote medical centers could solve the problem.

The Global Academy for Women's Health has studied this problem and has proposed one option for its solving this problem and its solution. The optimism for success is coming from the improved Pap test, the new MarkPap(r) test and platform technology offering a composite biomarker which provides instant evaluation of metabolic, cancerogenic and HPV effects on the specimen. It is both cytological and HPV disease testing (dual testing) in one test. It enable IT exchange of files and protocols for global networking via mobile and Internet connection between scattered POC and medical centers and with a protocol for turn-around of data within hours and timely intervention. The specimen is processed in the local POC and Images are transmitted by cell phone camera (Mobile Pap) for evaluation. Further, the presence of this biomarker allows home specimen collection and mailing the specimen to the local POC. This is a dramatic increase in the outreach for screening enabling women living in rural areas, far from medical institutions of any kind, to participate in screening. As announced, this program is aimed to start in parallel with developing local infrastructure enabling sustainability of the new developments. This is exactly according to the recommendation of WHO and dr Tadros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of WHO, who is acquainted with our work and supports our initiative.

NOV 15, 2018 10:30 AM PST

Cervical Cancer: Everlasting World Health Challenge