JUN 09, 2022

Do you know what you're vaping?

WRITTEN BY: Helaine Krysik

You may be into vaping, but do you know what vaping actually is? And do you know what’s in your vape? You should know these things, if this is your preferred method of using THC, because you may not be aware of what you’re taking into your system. This is why shopping from a trustworthy vape shop is crucial.

Vaping is the inhaling of vapor created by an e-cigarette or a device called a vape pen. Using a vape pen to ingest THC has become increasingly popular in the cannabis community in recent years.

Vapes have cartridges that are filled with THC oil made from the extract of the cannabis plant. When the oil is vaporized, the user inhales the vapor. This method has become so widespread, that it has become the preferred method of using cannabis by teens.

Unfortunately, as vaping has become more popular, so has the uptick in lung problems tied to vaping.

The main issue with vaping is the additional substances you’re ingesting, that you may not be aware of. If your THC oil contains Vitamin E Acetate, this can be extremely harmful to your lungs.

The THC oils used in vaping, also knowns as concentrates, can be up to four times as strong as standard cannabis flower. Of course, the advantage for the user is that you will get much more high, that much faster. But also be aware of the potential side effects and the inherent risks that come with this method.

While there is debate as to whether vaping is safer than smoking flower, know that all methods of ingesting THC come with some type of risk. While those risks are most likely minimal, if you use within moderation, the risks are still there. Always know the pros and cons of anything you are taking into your system so that you can make informed decisions.


Sources: National Institute on Drug Abuse, CDC, ACS Publications, DEA