JUN 15, 2022

Cannabis and intimacy

WRITTEN BY: Helaine Krysik

Another long-standing question on cannabis is whether it’s good or bad for intimacy. So, which is it? You can find lots of opinions on the subject; some people swear by weed setting the mood, others say it presents a myriad of problems. Whether or not it’s right for you is a purely personal decision – and here’s what to know so you can decide.

The evidence, if you will, is still anecdotal. That said, there’s increasing reports that cannabis can enhance intimacy because it boosts the senses. In addition, cannabis is known for helping to alleviate anxiety, stress, and pain in some users, which would help add to the experience in users who are typically inhibited by these conditions.

However, users should be aware of the potential drawbacks. Additional studies have indicated that cannabis can cause a lack of desire and motivation in some users, and even issues with male infertility in others.

While a small about of cannabis can be very beneficial for some users, too much can backfire, causing paranoia, or anxiety. It’s all about finding that right balance, and that is an individual thing.

It’s also important for users to remember not to overindulge, so that they can make sure that they stay safe and practice good self-care when partaking. As cannabis can impair one’s judgment, it’s important to go low and slow so that you can keep your wits about you.

This is another area in which there is no right answer, except for the one that works for you. If weed helps set the mood and makes the experience that much better, then go for it. Just know that moderation is key here, for both making sure you have a good time, and so that you stay safe with others in intimate situations.



Sources: New York Times, NIH, Leafreport