JAN 05, 2023

The New Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act

WRITTEN BY: Helaine Krysik

Scientists are excited – their ability to conduct unbiased research on cannabis just got a whole lot easier recently.

A new law, the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act, will open doors to research that till now, have been closed. The Act will enable researchers to do the following:

Scientists are very encouraged by the new legislation, as the Act will help to further legitimize cannabis by treating it like a pharmaceutical.

Anecdotally, cannabis has become an increasingly popular treatment to ease cancer symptoms, chronic pain, PTSD, and anxiety. The new law will allow scientists to study the plant and gather more hard data to support cannabis as a treatment for these conditions.

All of this is promising and will hopefully lead to the eventual legalization of cannabis on a federal level. In the short term, if the feds move cannabis down to a Schedule II Classification, that will also help in achieving more mainstream acceptance of the plant and its derivatives.



Sources: Congress.gov, Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology, Whitehouse.gov