MAR 16, 2023

How to Cultivate Cannabis Through Hydroponics

WRITTEN BY: Helaine Krysik

Some cannabis home growers are surprised to learn that they can grow cannabis just as successfully in water as they can in soil. The process, otherwise known as hydroponics, is very popular amongst expert cannabis growers, and once a grower masters the process, they can produce very impressive results.

The hydroponics method is simpler and more straightforward than a newbie grower might think, though time consuming to master. The necessary tools include:

While the steps in the process seem easy, they need to be followed very closely:

Growing cannabis via the hydroponics method can be more high maintenance and take some time to master, with the average growth cycle taking 3-4 months to raise a crop. However, the method can also produce higher yield and growth rates than growing cannabis in soil, so it may be worth investigating for those who have the time and money to invest into the process.  


Sources: Weedmaps, Leafly, How To Grow Marijuana