APR 02, 2024

Study Highlights Improved Quality of Life for Medical Cannabis Patients

WRITTEN BY: Kerry Charron

A study published in Medical Cannabis Cannabinoids examined the effects of cannabis consumption on patient quality of life and found that patients attribute better mental well-being and physical functioning to using cannabis products. The patients noticed psychological and physical improvements within 30 days of cannabis use and experienced sustained wellness for the next 90 days of the study. 

The researchers recruited participants who were over 18 and members of the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Program (PAMMP). They used patient databases from regulated Pennsylvania medical marijuana dispensaries to identify suitable participants.  

The research team used observational analysis to assess the quality of life of 103 participants. They evaluated patients’ symptoms at the start of the study and then again at intervals throughout the study (30, 60, and 90 days). Electronic surveys allowed the researchers to compile the participants’ medical cannabis use patterns and symptom activity. 

The participants reported immediate symptom improvements sustained for the duration of the study. Participants who consumed cannabis products once per day exhibited more significant health improvements than participants who consumed cannabis products more frequently. Participants reported significant decreases in fatigue and pain and improved mental wellness. 

Several findings were especially notable. Participants who used inhaled or vaped products had a significantly higher increase in emotional well-being scores compared to those who used cannabis flower. Participants who consumed medical cannabis to manage opioid addiction demonstrated significantly higher THC consumption compared to patients seeking treatment for chronic pain, anxiety, or severe gastrointestinal conditions. The participants experienced only minor side effects, such as a cough or dry mouth.

The findings suggest that medical cannabis has the potential to enhance physical and social functioning for many patients with symptoms that interfere with their daily activities. The researchers believe moderate medical cannabis can boost energy, mood, and overall general health within the first 30–60 days of use.

The findings of this study provide compelling evidence that cannabis can improve the quality of life for many patients. Federal prohibition has hindered cannabis research, but a growing body of research indicates that cannabis has significant therapeutic benefits. Many patients advocate for safe access to medical cannabis since an increasing number of people have experienced a better quality of life

Sources: Medical Cannabis Cannabinoids, NORML