DEC 21, 2017

What Is Cannabis Vomiting Syndrome?

WRITTEN BY: Loren DeVito

A very well known side effect of cannabis consumption is appetite stimulation, also known as “the munchies.” In fact, many patients use medical cannabis to help increase their appetite and gain weight (as in the case of HIV/AIDs and cancer, where the disease itself or medications cause weight loss).

However, some people who use cannabis (either medicinally or recreationally) may experience the opposite effect – nausea and vomiting. This is known as cannabis vomiting syndrome, or cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. Although this affects only a small number of users, cannabis vomiting syndrome can be quite severe, even landing some people in the emergency room. While this condition mostly affects chronic, daily cannabis users, the rates of cannabis vomiting syndrome have increased with the advent of legalized recreational use in many states in the US.

What causes these symptoms? And why -- especially since medical cannabis improves appetite in many patients? Well, it’s not quite clear. One possibility is that those who take cannabis to stimulate appetite may have digestive systems that work differently than healthy people due to their illness or associated medications. Another possibility is that legalized cannabis is more highly concentrated than cannabis available on the street.

The answers lie in further research but, for now, be sure to consult a doctor or get to the emergency room if you experience these symptoms. Watch the video below to learn more about this puzzling condition: