JAN 15, 2018

Parents Sue to Allow Child to Take Medical Cannabis in School

WRITTEN BY: Loren DeVito

This past week, a judge ruled that pediatric cannabis patients in Illinois can take their medicine at school.

The 11-year-old girl in this case has leukemia, a cancer of the blood, for which she was treated with chemotherapy. Although effective, chemotherapy can cause  serious side effects – in this case, they resulted in seizures. While other treatments were used to treat her seizures, only medical cannabis was able to fully control them. And this means that she needed to take it with her wherever she went, including school.

When her parents requested that their daughter take and store medical cannabis at school, they were met with resistance. Although medical cannabis is legal in Illinois, the law prohibited its use at school. In fact, only a few states allow children to use medical cannabis at school, the place where they spend a majority of their young lives. And this legal case is not the first.

Watch the video below to learn more about how this family fought for their daughter: