NOV 30, 2015

Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Other Tech Giants Join Fight Against Climate Change

WRITTEN BY: Anthony Bouchard

There’s no doubt that the world is going through a crisis right now in terms of global warming. Temperatures are increasing. Not only is it impacting our environment in negative ways, but it’s something you can physically feel as you spend time outside. The world simply isn’t as cool as it used to be.
Climate change is getting a lot of attention as of late by many parts of the world. It’s time to make a difference.
There are a number of organizations in the world trying to make the world a better place, whether that’s the clean power industry, the electric car industry, or recycling industry, every industry plays a key role in helping move the world forward and away from antiquated and dangerous ways that could place us in an irreversible hot bubble that continues to destroy our environment.
A new group, which includes high-profile technological leaders like Bill Gates, one of the co-founders of technology giant Microsoft, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the popular social-networking service Facebook, and even Jeff Bezos, the CEO of popular online marketplace giant, has been started to combat climate change. The group of nearly 30 high-profile people calls itself the Breakthrough Energy Coalition.

The group will be dedicating its efforts to moving different parts of the world forward in creating zero-emission energy that will be better for the environment as a whole, and hopefully reduce the impact of our habits on the world’s climate. Working together with various countries and world leaders, the hope is to make a difference as soon as possible to keep our Earth habitable for as long as possible.
The group notes that because government research alone isn’t enough, the addition of many rich investors, coupled with genius engineers and world-class scientists and researchers will one day mean the emerging of new technologies that will move the energy industry forward.
The reason this is such big news is because there are very few people in this world that are willing to dump tons of money into high-risk research that have a 50/50 chance of actually yielding positive results. The Breakthrough Energy Coalition is an exception, in that these people believe in a better world and are out to do things for the greater good, rather than only for monetary gain.

With every hope targeted at making the world a better place to live for not only future generations, but also for wildlife, this is an excellent addition. The world needs more motivated people like this to start a more popular trend of environmentally-friendly habits.

Source: Breakthrough Energy Coaltion via Facebook