FEB 22, 2019

Medical Marijuana

WRITTEN BY: Liat Ben-Senior

The marijuana (cannabis) plant has been used for recreational and medicinal purposes for more than 4,000 years. It was introduced to modern medicine in 1830 but banned as an illegal drug in 1970. Many studies have shown that the cannabinoids, the active ingredient in Cannabis can help relieve pain and nausea, reduce inflammation and anxiety. Cannabis can also be beneficial relieving symptoms of patients who have Cancer, AIDS, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, and seizures. These significant health benefits led to the legal acceptance of marijuana as a medicine in some US states. More research is being done to study the short and long term effect of Marijuana on the brain and other systems in our body. Learn more about cannabis in the infographic below and click here to register for Cannabis Sciences 2019, a virtual event produced by LabRoots.