AUG 11, 2021

Cannabis Users Are Normal Hardworking Members of the Community Too

WRITTEN BY: Angela Dowden

Who is the typical cannabis user? There are many stereotypes and misconception about weed use, most of them not flattering.

In a bid to get a clearer idea of a typical cannabis consumer’s profile, online cannabis retailer dutchie, which processes 60% of legal cannabis sales globally, carried out a survey of 5,000 of its customers from the U.S. and Canada.

The survey asked users about their age, gender employment status, fitness regimen, and reason for / frequency of using cannabis.

Far from furthering the lazy stoner cannabis user typecast, the results revealed that cannabis users are more likely to be part of the workforce than non-users, while over half — 54% — have received a degree level college education.

Of those that answered this survey the majority were female, drawn to the stress-relieving and sleep-promoting qualities of cannabis as well as its potential benefits for period pain or menopausal symptoms.

The majority were regular users, consuming cannabis at least several times a week. The biggest users were men aged 35-44 and women aged 45-54.  

58% of respondents also reported being physically active and enjoying taking in part in outdoor activities and sports, which rather puts the lie to the lazy stoner stereotype.

Indeed, 57% of cannabis users thought of as themselves health-conscious, many considering cannabis as part of their healthcare routine and much less of a vice that alcohol or tobacco.

Overall, this survey would suggest there is no one cannabis “type”. But users, contrary to what some people may believe, are mostly just intelligent and hardworking people with regular lifestyles.


Sources: Forbes, Cannabis Culture