JAN 12, 2018

What Happened to Ebola?

WRITTEN BY: Jennifer Ellis

Remember ebola? The rare but extremely contagious and fatal virus that threatened to wipe out the world in 2014-2016? Okay, maybe not the world…but the virus is very dangerous and is still a threat. With so much media surrounding the outbreak that plagued parts of Africa and spread to a handful of people around the world two years ago to radio silence to date, we find ourselves wondering, what happened to ebola?

Ebola is still a valid health concern. Luckily, the scientific and medical communities are working hard to learn as much as they can about the virus so when outbreaks do occur, we are more prepared than we have been in the past. There is now the potential for vaccines, faster diagnosis, and more educated patient care for starters. Here is a look into what is being discovered about ebola, how we might be able to curb future outbreaks, and how ebola survivors can move beyond post-syndrome setbacks.