NOV 12, 2018

Steaks Aren't the Only Things We Get From Cows

WRITTEN BY: Anthony Bouchard

It’s no secret that cows are routinely slaughtered for beef, but what if we told you that only about 60% of the cow gets harvested for food? Fret not, as no part of the cow gets wasted; the other 40% goes on to mass-produce high-demand products.

Much of the cow’s fat, for example, is shipped to processing plants where it’s converted into tallow, an oily substance often used in various hygienic products like body creams, cosmetics, soaps, and even toothpaste. Tallow’s lubricating qualities also make it ideal for mechanical applications, such as in antifreeze, hydraulic brake fluids, and jet engines.

Specific organs of the cow go on to produce health-centric necessities. For example, the pancreas provides insulin injections for diabetics, and the adrenal gland plays an instrumental role in the development of some steroid medications. Traces of cartilage are used in medicines for patients with osteoporosis, while the lungs are used to produce blood thinners.

Indeed, cows provide more for humankind than just beef; they also deliver several necessities and life-saving products.