OCT 08, 2018

The SolarFlower is a Promising New Take on Solar Energy

WRITTEN BY: Anthony Bouchard

Solar energy is a clean and renewable energy source with promising applications in the near future as solar panel technology matures. SmartFlower is an intelligent sunflower-inspired solar panel follows the Sun as it moves through the sky.

The act of following the Sun through the sky is known as heliotropism, and sunflowers do this naturally to absorb as much sunlight as they can throughout the day. That said, it would make sense to have solar panels behave similarly.

Thanks to the smart-tracking technology, SmartFlower always maintains a 90-degree angle with the Sun.

In situations involving harsh weather, SmartFlower can automatically fold up and shut down to prevent damage and mitigate safety concerns. Also, it cleans itself every time it opens and closes and sends power usage data to the user via their smartphone.

Pretty neat, eh?