FEB 17, 2021

Emojis and The Negative Vibe

WRITTEN BY: Nouran Amin

Research has found that typing those negative emojis in your texts can make you appear negative to the sender. The study was titled Emojis influence emotional communication, social attributions, and information processing and findings were published in the journal Computer in Human Behavior.

"Emojis are consequential and have an impact on the interpretation of the sender by the receiver and if you display any form of negativity -- even pairing a positive emoji with a negative message -- it is going to be interpreted negatively. You are going to be perceived as a person who is cold, and you will come across as in a negative mood when using negative emojis, regardless of the tone,” notes Dr. Isabelle Boutet, a Full Professor in Psychology in the Faculty of Social Sciences

"Even if you have a positive message with a negative emoji, the receiver will interpret the sender as being in a negative mood. Any reference to negativity will drive how people interpret your emotional state when you write a text message.

"We also found certain types of messages were more difficult to convey; people have a lot of problems interpreting messages that are meant to convey irony or sarcasm."

Learn more about the history of emojis:



Source: Science Daily