MAR 10, 2023

New Polymer Material Could Improve the Life of EV Batteries

WRITTEN BY: Ryan Vingum

Electric vehicles are quickly becoming a popular alternative to traditional combustion engine vehicles. The amount of carbon emissions associated with the car are generally lower compared to a traditional combustion engine over the lifetime of the vehicles. However, common problem electric vehicles continue to face is the quality and longevity of their batteries. Researchers have long been looking for ways to produce electric vehicle batteries that can hold a charge for longer, last longer, and be charged in a short amount of time, ruling out simply making larger batteries.

According to a new study published in Nature Energy, a team of researchers at the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory have developed a new polymer material that could provide support for elective vehicle batteries, increasing the ability of electric vehicle batteries to last longer and supply more power. The polymer could also make it easier and more affordable to make electric vehicle batteries.

The new polymer, called HOS-PFM, is a material designed to coat an electric vehicle battery. It enables real-time conduction of both electrons and ions, which could increase the overall life of a battery and help with its long-term shelf life. It could also increase the average lifespan of a lithium-ion battery by about five years.

To test how the polymer works, researchers added the polymer to different electrodes: an aluminum one and a silicon one. Aluminum and silicone are both materials with potential for creation lithium-ion batteries because they have the potential to hold a lot of energy, though they wear down very quickly and easily. During the experiment, researchers found that the polymer coating was able to prevent degradation of the electrodes.

Researchers now plan to work with manufacturers who can help scale up the production of the HOS-PFM polymer for more widespread use.

Sources: Eurekalert!; Nature Energy; EPA