AUG 20, 2016

The other view of Rio's pollution

WRITTEN BY: Kathryn DeMuth Sullivan

This video is worth every one of its eighteen minutes. Media surrounding the disgusting "Dump of Rio" leading up to and throughout the Olympics this summer have portrayed truly to an extent the horrors of pollution that contaminate the city and it's surrounding waters. However, this short TakePart documentary focuses on more than its effects on the athletes.

Telling the stories of Rio residents fighting to clean up an environmental disaster in Guanabara Bay, the video follows a cast of Cariocas (the name for Rio residents), from ordinary citizens to activists to policy experts. It's hopeful, determined, community minded message is one that could not be more relevant to any corner of the world in this moment of environmental challenge. Please take the time to watch, and share the message in your own way.