SEP 27, 2016

Environmental Innovation: The Seabin Project

WRITTEN BY: Kathryn DeMuth Sullivan

Started by two surfers, Andrew Turton and Pete Ceglinski, who gave up their jobs and dedicated themselves to the cause, this project features a bucket pump that catches debris in the ocean. Requiring no energy other than the ocean's currents and functioning 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, this innovation has serious potential.

Marinas, ports, and yacht clubs are the main audience for seabins, given that they are subject to vast amounts of plastic waste, gasoline fuel, detergent and paper. Because of the location, such places are protected from ocean storms and the bins would function in a controlled environment, where people could easily and frequently empty the buckets. This also gives people the opportunity to see what actually ends up in the ocean, sparking consciousness.

"The Seabin is more efficient than a marine worker walking around with a scoop net. By working with these marinas, ports and yacht clubs we can locate the seabin in the perfect place and mother nature brings us the rubbish to catch it. Sure we can't catch everything right now but its a really positive start," say the designers.

The project aims to manufacture the bins from plastics actually collected by the bins, creating a sustainable cycle. In turn, their mission is "to create a world where we don't need the seabins".

It is important to note that the project states that marine life cannot be harmed by the bins.