NOV 08, 2016

The Physics of Time Travel

WRITTEN BY: Brenda Kelley Kim

Isn't time travel cool? It's pretty much the stuff of science fiction movies. Being beamed backwards or forwards into another time is something anyone would want to do. While Star Trekkers and Marty McFly in Back to the Future may have managed it, so far, humans in real life have not. But is it possible? Richard Muller, a physics professor from the University of California-Berkeley wrote a book on the concept.

The physics involved are both simple and complex. The most common theory says that the universe is constantly expanding, creating more space, and more time, theoretically. The concept of now is this second, but in just another second the future is now, and now is the past. Muller's book, "Now: The Physics of Time" looks at this theory, at the discovery of two black holes coming together to make one large black hole and the gravity waves created from that to try and explain the concept of time as it applies to the universe and physics. New technology allowed this combination of black holes to be observed, though not to an exact degree. Muller says more of this activity is coming and when it does, physicists will be able to test the theory of new space and new time as the universe expands. Stay tuned!