FEB 22, 2018

It's Not Just a Luxury, It's Healthy Self-Care

WRITTEN BY: Brenda Kelley Kim

A massage is a favorite gift on Valentine's Day or Mother's Day since many think it's a luxury indulgence. The fact is though that a good massage from a licensed professional massage therapist can have many health benefits. Naturally, stress relief is a big one. Massages can result in a rush of endorphins, shutting down depression and anxiety. Muscles that are tight or strained can be calmed as well, and even small muscle tears can benefit from massage therapy.

Massage can also improve sleep, allowing a restful night of 8 plus hours of sleep. Circulation issues are addressed in massage as well, allowing blood flow to help heal injuries. Pain relief is another benefit since many health professionals are looking for better ways to treat chronic pain, given the opioid abuse epidemic. So, while they can be pricey, your health is worth the expense of a good massage.