FEB 27, 2018

What's All The Fuss About Turmeric?

WRITTEN BY: Brenda Kelley Kim

Turmeric seems to be the darling of the spice rack lately. Claims about its properties as an anti-inflammatory as well as a weight loss drug and memory booster are all over the Internet, but is it really all that? How much should you take if you want to get the benefits? A suggested starting dose is about 400-600 mg of turmeric powder or extracts three times a day. That's another part of the turmeric debate. Should you use it in capsules, pure root extracts or tablets? Most sources advise using whatever is well-tolerated.

It's usually fine to take on its own; however, if you plan to use it for GI problems, some experts suggest adding black pepper to help it absorb. Women who are pregnant should monitor intake carefully since it can trigger contractions in some mothers. Inflammation is thought to be the culprit in many diseases, including dementia and some forms of cancer. Turmeric has been shown to reduce inflammation, but as always, consult your healthcare provider if you have questions about using this spice for better health.