MAY 07, 2018

Pretty Air Filter Uses Plants, Doesn't Require Replacement Filters

WRITTEN BY: Julia Travers

NATEDE is a filtration system that relies on plants' abilities to clean the air, developed by air purification company Clairy.

NATEDE's design and airflow tech enhances the air-cleaning properties of the plant's soil -- a process called phytoremediation. Through phytoremediation, soil microbes remove pollution from the air. NATEDE also uses photocatalysis filtration, which relies on light, and the combination of these methods allow it to clean 93 percent of pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene and to eliminate 99 percent of viruses, bacteria, fine particulate and odors, according to the Clairy site (

The company also states that the white, streamlined NATEDE plant pot-design makes this air purifier more attractive than many on the market. It requires no replacement filters and has an accompanying LED-notification system and app.

NATEDE's Kickstarter campaign has been well-received; it now has $554,569 pledged of a $59,835 goal and continues through June 1, 2018.