MAY 10, 2018

Is It Candy or Vape Juice?

WRITTEN BY: Brenda Kelley Kim

Vaping is extremely popular with young people, sometimes even middle schoolers, but the FDA has partnered with the FTC to warn vape manufacturers that their packaging needs to change. Vape pens, sold in shops around the country are meant to be used with "e-juice" which is liquid nicotine. Manufacturers tout the vape pens and juices as an alternative to cigarettes, but the juice packaging is what is concerning.

Many manufacturers package the liquid nicotine in wrapping and boxes that resemble candy. In photos of popular candies and vape juice packaging, it's easy to see that some vape oils look almost identical to whipped cream cans, lollipops, and even Sour Patch candy. It's a direct grab for the teen market, and the packaging makes it appear that it's just a fun snack when studies have shown that the nicotine liquid is harmful. Companies that make the products were warned to change the packaging and some were also cited for selling the products to children, which is prohibited by federal law.