MAY 18, 2018

Tips for Reducing Your Melanoma Risk

WRITTEN BY: Brenda Kelley Kim

Each year, more people are diagnosed with some form of skin cancer than every other kind of cancer combined. It's not just about having a pesky spot removed or a random mole; skin cancer is life-threatening for some. Melanoma cases are only about 1% of all skin cancer diagnoses, but they are also the deadliest. Warmer weather means that more people are enjoying the outdoors and there are some tips to reduce the risk of melanoma as well as learn the signs and symptoms. Sun exposure is the most significant risk, as well as tanning salons where patrons get darker on tanning beds. Sunscreen is a must, every day, every time you are in the sun.

While family history is essential, so are daily habits. Tanning salons will up the average person's risk of melanoma by 75% making it more dangerous than smoking. Many states have changed the laws so that no one under the age of 18 can use indoor tanning facilities. Age at exposure is relevant as well, the younger you are when you get a sunburn or use indoor tanning shops, the more damage that can be done to the DNA of your skin, which then ups your risk for melanoma. Just five sunburns double the risk of cancer. Sunscreens that are "broad spectrum are the best since they protect against both UVA and UVB rays.