AUG 27, 2018

Why do we forget words?

WRITTEN BY: Kathryn DeMuth Sullivan

Why do we forget some words other than others? It all has to do with the fact that we use some words way more frequently than others. Take the word "the," for example. How many times do we use the word "the" in an essay? When you compare that number to the number of times we use the word, say, "squish," it's no wonder that sometimes "squish" escapes our memory when looking for that just-right descriptor. But think about it, have you ever really forgotten the word "the" before? Probably not!

Let's take another example. The twelve most common verbs in the English language are: be, have, do, make, say, get, go, know, take, see, think, come. It's interesting to think about the fact that all of those verbs are irregular. But though they are irregular, they are so common! it because they are irregular that we make them so common? Watch the video to find out and learn some tricks to help remember more words and strengthen your vocabulary!