DEC 15, 2018

The Near Perfect Memory

WRITTEN BY: Nouran Amin

Hyperthymesia is an extremely rare neuropsychological condition. It is the condition of superior autobiographical memory characterized by the ability to remember everything that has happened from since the age of 10. Things like what you had for dinner 2 nights before or even what you ate for breakfast in the morning can easily be forgotten for the average human brain. However, for individuals suffering from Hyperthymesia—even the tiniest of all details that might have occurred 20 years ago can be easily recalled along with what exactly happened on every single date.

Most suffers from Hyperthymesia face a heavy burden from remembering details of painful memories often causing a great deal of distress. Others who have the condition have found ways to cope using it for their advantage such as competing on trivia games or remembering a vast amount of detail from books.