JAN 08, 2016

The Science Behind How Our Minds Handle Motivation

WRITTEN BY: Anthony Bouchard

When it comes to motivation, not all people are able to stick to their own goals and keep up with the things that they are responsible for doing. In fact, almost half of people polled in a study have a hard time keeping their New Year's Resolutions going for more than a month after the New Year.

Motivation is a strange thing - it's what pushes us to keep doing something, and it drives passion. But sometimes, things are too boring for us, or we're too lazy to get things done.

For this reason, we resort to mental trickery to get things done, such as rewards. We are more than happy to do things in return for a hefty reward, but typically those that are offered smaller rewards will perform less desirably.

For more on motivation, and the science behind it, check out the video above.