FEB 10, 2016

Precision Medicine 2016: A Virtual Event

WRITTEN BY: Jennifer Ellis

Since the completion of the Human Genome Project, extraordinary progress has been made in understanding the reach and impacts of human genetic variation. Advances in sequencing, genomic analysis, biomarker detection, coupled with new insights into rational drug design and repurposing, have given doctors more powerful and selective tools to help treat disease by tailoring medicines to an individual's genetic profile. Given that individuals' health and disease are woven into a complex web of factors, the Precision Medicine Initiative Research Cohort will assemble not only genetic, but also environmental, behavioral, and clinical data so that researchers may understand the full range of factors that inform health and disease as they search for precision approaches to health maintenance, disease prevention, and therapies.

Precision Medicine 2016 will cover topics such as Progress in the Precision Medicine Initiative; From genomics to precision medicine: Uncovering and manipulating the genetic circuits underlying common disease; and Precision Medicine Approaches and the Future of Drug Development in Oncology.

The virtual conference will feature speaker Eric Schadt, PhD, a Jean C. and James W. Crystal Professor of Genomics, Chairman and Professor, Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Director, Icahn Institute for Genomics and Multiscale Biology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

Dr. Schadt will be discussing one of the primary goals of precision medicine, which is the aggregation and interpretation of deep, longitudinal patient-specific data in the context of the digital universe of information, using advanced predictive analytics to better diagnose and treat patients, even down to tailoring individualized treatments to patients. His team has developed a predictive, multiscale framework that enables us to understand the health of an individual at the molecular, cellular, organ, organism and community scales so that we can better diagnose, treat, and prevent disease.