FEB 14, 2016

Common Cold and Flu Nutrition Myths Debunked


The Northeast United States braced for another weekend of frigid temperatures, and we are reminded that cold and flu season is in still full force. According to the CDC, February is the most frequent peak month for flu activity. But even once February ends, flu season can last to as late as May. While there's a vaccine for the flu virus, none exists for the viruses that cause the common cold. And even with vaccines, people can still come down with the illness.

Doctors most often prescribe plenty of rest and fluids for these afflictions, but we've all heard of other gratuitous nutritional remedies for the cold and flu. For example, you've probably heard of drinking lots of orange juice and avoiding dairy products when you have a cold. As it turns out, OJ may not the best liquid for you when you're sick, and dairy might actually help your microbiome fight off the invading viruses! Jackie London, "Good Housekeeping" nutrition director, discusses these common cold/flu myths and more in the video.