Generation of expanded primary liver cells



The use of primary cells in vitro is compromised by the limited quantity of cells that can be isolated from one donor, a lack of or very restricted proliferation capacity (e.g. hepatocytes) and/or the change from a quiescent to an activated state (e.g. hepatic stellate cells). The use of immortalized cell lines, on the other hand, is compromised by their transformed, cancerous phenotype. Using the upcyte® technology, primary cells are driven into proliferation using a viral gene transfer system, thus allowing controlled and reversible bypass of cell cycle control mechanisms without inducing immortalization, uncontrolled cell growth or changing the typical phenotype. In this talk liver-specific cells such as upcyte hepatocytes and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells will be presented.

Learning Objectives:

1. Identifying different cell types of the liver and their roles

2. advantages and disadvantages of genetic modification of primary cells