OCT 01, 2019

Do You Know Your Measles Immune Status?

WRITTEN BY: DiaSorin Dias

Measles outbreaks continue to make news around the world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention update on a weekly basis the number of measles cases and from January 1 to August 22, 2019 1,215 individual cases have been confirmed in 28 states. This is the worst measles outbreak in the United States since 1992 and the highest number of cases since measles was declared eliminated in 2000.

Measles is a highly contagious disease that spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It can be dangerous, especially for babies and young children. Some of the severe complications include Pneumonia and Acute Encephalitis, and it can even be life-threatening.

Fortunately, Measles is preventable. The MMR vaccine is a proven and safe way to get immunity against measles. Timely and accurate diagnosis of measles infection is vital in preventing the spread of the disease.

It is our responsibility to prevent the next outbreak. Learning about the disease and its risks,  immunization and confirming your immune status are just a few steps you can take to prevent measles infection.