MAY 02, 2024

How to use a Smartphone to Capture Live Cell Images

WRITTEN BY: Carmen Leitch

Researchers at Uppsala University have described a method for using a smartphone to take movies of live cells, eliminating the need for expensive imaging equipment and software. Their work has been published in the open access PLOS ONE as well, so it is freely accessible.

The scientists have used common, industry standard inverted microscopes so that any phone can be put on a typical lab or hospital microscope setup. The study describes how a few pieces, easily made with a 3D printer, some common electronics and a smartphone can provide high resolution capture of microscopic movies.

"What we have done in this project isn't rocket science, but it shows you how 3D-printing will transform the way scientists work around the world. 3D-printing has the potential to give researchers with limited funding access to research methods that were previously too expensive," explained Johan Kreuger, senior lecturer at the Department of Medical Cell Biology at Uppsala University.

"The technology presented here can readily be adapted and modified according to the specific need of researchers, at a low cost. Indeed, in the future, it will be much more common that scientists create and modify their own research equipment, and this should greatly propel technology development," concluded Kreuger.

Source: Uppsala University