JUL 10, 2017

Eat These Foods Together for Good Health

WRITTEN BY: Anthony Bouchard

When it comes to food, the possibilities of what you might be craving are endless. You might even start munching on something just because it looks good, or perhaps you've planned a specific meal for a while and finally got around to cooking it.

No matter how you choose to eat, there are some types of foods that go well together if you're planning to eat healthy. In some cases, your body doesn't always absorb the nutrients that you eat when you eat certain foods alone, but when you combine foods, this can change.

For example, eating spinach and strawberries together helps your body absorb the iron it needs from the spinach, and eating eggs with your fried vegetables helps your body absorb the carotenoids it needs from the vegetables.

There are several other kinds of combinations that go well together too, and are discussed in the video. Perhaps you could integrate some of the ideas into your daily diet.