JUL 31, 2018

Tired of Coffee? Try These Ideas for a Boost of Energy

WRITTEN BY: Brenda Kelley Kim

A good strong cup of coffee first thing in the morning, at lunch, on a break or just about anytime can be a real boost. Not everyone likes coffee though, and some people cannot have it. There are other ways to get recharged, however. The first option is to have less coffee. Caffeine in coffee keeps adenosine from reaching the brain, but it’s still produced. When the coffee wears off, there’s a build-up of adenosine and you crash.

 Chewing your food is important too. The more food is chewed, the easier it is for the body to it break down and get the energy from it. Speaking of food, make sure to include plenty of fiber from complex carbs; the body uses good carbs for energy stores, but the fiber keeps the food in the body longer, so energy levels stay even. Along with diet, make sure to hydrate. Enough water keeps blood flowing to the brain. Deep breathing and moving more are also ways to boot up more energy.