NOV 08, 2017 5:00 PM PST

Gibco™ Sera - Driving quality and innovation in a dynamic market



In today’s volatile Fetal Bovine Sera market, it is critical for researchers to understand the complex nature of the market especially with demand escalating every year.  The demand for sera products has no direct impact on the supply of upstream raw materials, but it does influence cost.  Supply is finite because FBS is a byproduct of harvesting cattle for the meatpacking industry.  Over the last few years, the costs of raw materials needed to produce FBS have increased significantly due to limited supply in most geographical regions.  As a result, FBS suppliers were forced to increase pricing.  The FBS market is very dynamic, and changes can happen quickly.  Learn how Thermo Fisher Scientific the leading globe supplier of FBS is committed to investing in this the Sera business to ensure we can continue to provide the high quality and innovative products, with  the service that our customers have come to expect. 

NOV 08, 2017 5:00 PM PST

Gibco™ Sera - Driving quality and innovation in a dynamic market