SEP 06, 2017 10:16 AM PDT

Making Every Step Count: the Journey to Scientific Discoveries

WRITTEN BY: Akshay Masand

In the journey to scientific discoveries, every step plays a critical role in reaching your goals. Molecular biology involves investigation of nucleic acids for their structure, expression, and functions. Genomic DNA and total RNA are routinely isolated from cells and tissues for downstream applications such as reverse transcription, PCR, and cloning. Cloning can be performed not only with restriction enzymes and a DNA ligase, but also with techniques such as PCR, DNA recombination, and gene synthesis. Electrophoresis is essential for verifying purity, specificity, and quantity of the nucleic acid samples for experimental success.

Regardless of the steps you take, choosing innovative molecular biology products enable you to discover with quicker results, more assurance, and less optimization. In this infographic, find the research tools that can help advance your science. For additional information, go to





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Bachelor's (BA/BS/Other)
As an experienced marketer who has learned the ropes from the ground up, I now lead the marketing for LabRoots and am constantly looking for new ways to reach a wider audience!
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