AUG 05, 2021 12:30 PM PDT

How to Apply for a NIH Grant Writing the NIH R and K Grant: Successful Strategies for New Investigators

Presented at: Beckman Symposium


With highly competitive NIH budgets and ever-increasing restrictions on federal spending, getting noticed and winning an NIH R grant is far more difficult and highly competitive than it has ever been. To be competitive today, new and inexperienced grant writers must learn the essentials of strong grantsmanship that is rarely taught today in academia. In 2019, the overall success rate for NIH R01 grants was just 20%, with some Institutes approving only 10% of submitted applications. This means that NIH-wide, nearly 8 out of 10 R01 application submissions are rejected. If you want to be one of the PIs that receives research grant funding, you must be able to write your grant so that it prevails over the five review criteria which generates your overall impact score. Many investigators, especially new investigators, don’t know how to write a winning grant or understand what pitfalls to avoid. Writing a winning grant proposal that gets noticed by reviewers requires that investigators produce a highly polished, cohesive grant that really knocks it out of the park for its significance, innovation, and approach while showing that it will have a major impact on their field. In this webinar, Dr. Dant will provide you with details of what reviewers want and don’t want to see in your R01 grant proposal. Ultimately, you’ll learn how to write your next R01 grant in a way that will get reviewer’s attention and influence them to approve and fund your research proposal.

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