APR 12, 2018 9:00 AM PDT

DTC Genomic Testing - A Healthcare System Perspective



Ready or not, direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing is here and it is here to stay. As technologies continue to make genetic testing more affordable and accessible to the masses, more individuals are empowered to learn about their genetic information; with or without a physician’s help. Meanwhile, healthcare systems across the country and the world are recognizing how critical it is to integrate genomic testing into everyday patient care to improve outcomes and the overall patient experience. Great progress has been made in oncology and rare-disease diagnoses where genetic testing has become more mainstream. Although some clinical areas have caught up to using these resources, most providers are far behind offering their patients useful genetic testing options that can significantly improve their care. 
This presentation focuses on a healthcare system’s perspective of how genetic testing has been introduced within its organization, integrated into various service lines and how a shift to direct-to-consumer testing is challenging existing infrastructure. 

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APR 12, 2018 9:00 AM PDT

DTC Genomic Testing - A Healthcare System Perspective

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