AUG 05, 2021 9:45 AM PDT

How to Write a Grad School Resume or CV - Part II (For Graduate Students Seeking Employment)

Presented at: Beckman Symposium


The vast majority of graduate students seek their advanced degree as a basis for seeking a job, whether that be in industry, a government lab, or one of many types of research and teaching gigs found in higher education. None of these are volunteer positions, so naturally, a successful job search is defined by an employer agreeing to provide you with financial compensation for your future services. The more that you understand the employment you seek, the clearer the path to that endpoint. Even in this situation, how do you introduce yourself and explain your skill set, in a timely and effective manner? How do you approach a process that appears linear and static, but has a career-defining temporal component? We'll begin with the classics: crafting a resume and research summary.

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