AUG 07, 2018 6:38 AM PDT

Can "Going Keto" Affect Your Skin?

The ketogenic diet is quite trendy and is hailed by health professionals and followers for weight loss, metabolic benefits and cholesterol management. It involves cutting out carbs, sugar, and alcohol and is high in protein and specific fats. It’s designed so that That way, the body burns fat instead of sugar. The form of eating is not without its drawbacks, however, especially on the body’s largest organ, the skin. The oils in fish and lean meats that are part of the keto diet are great for hydrating the skin and keeping it glowing, but the fats in the diet can also cause acne breakouts. Low sugar levels are also a bonus since the less sugar you consume, the fewer lines and wrinkles you’ll get. 

Because the diet is low in carbohydrates, it’s low in fiber as well. Fiber keeps the gut bacteria balanced, and if the microbiome is off, hair, skin, and nails are affected. Psoriasis, an inflammatory skin condition is not uncommon among keto dieters. There’s even a specific rash that can happen as a result of high levels of ketones. It’s called prurigo pigmentosa. Small bumps form, on the chest back and stomach, and are itchy. Eventually, they crust over but can leave scars. 

About the Author
Bachelor's (BA/BS/Other)
I'm a writer living in the Boston area. My interests include cancer research, cardiology and neuroscience. I want to be part of using the Internet and social media to educate professionals and patients in a collaborative environment.
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