Cancelled - WEBINAR #6: Fragile X assays on the SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer


Event Date & Time
DATE:  July 26, 2018
TIME:   8:00am PDT, 11:00am EDT

This is the sixth topic in the webinar series on ‘Sanger Sequencing & Fragment Analysis made easy’.

In this 30 minute talk, Dr. William G. Kearns, Founder and Director at AdvaGenix will focus on Fragile-X assays and the use of the Applied biosystems SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer in genetic diagnostic applications. He will highlight the main advantages of this capillary electrophoresis (CE)-based platform and share the experience of his team working with the instrument and discuss their results.

Other topics in the webinar series:


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Cancelled - WEBINAR #6: Fragile X assays on the SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer

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