DATE: December 6, 2018
New analytical methods specific to cannabis and hemp matrices have been developed and qualified to allow cannabis laboratories to complete the entire Pesticide, Heavy Metal, Residual Solvent and Terpene assay. Data and methodology will be presented to show the long-term stability of the ICP-MS, LC/MS/MS and GC/MS- Head Space methods, simplicity of sample preparation and techniques to overcome matrix effects, robustness towards any contamination from the dirty matrices, and detection limits well below the State requirements. References will show that having a validated method and SOP for the cannabis testing industry is key in ensuring the highest quality of cannabis reaches the patient. In addition, the influences of the various cannabis sample types tested will be discussed, and details specified on how to handle flower, concentrates, and edibles.
Learning Objective:
• Understand the challenges in meeting regional regulation requirements for cannabis and hemp
• Learn how to leverage ICP-MS, LC/MS/MS, and GC/MS-HS in a cannabis laboratory