JAN 31, 2019 9:00 AM PST

Streamlining the Biologics Development Process: From Transient to Stable Production in the ExpiCHO System



The biologics development process is fraught with risks from pre-clinical studies through clinical evaluation. Prominent among these risks are changes in the critical quality attributes of the biologic during the drug development process.  Here, we present data on the use of the ExpiCHO expression system for high titer transient expression of candidate therapeutics through creation of stable cell lines for large scale manufacturing.  By using the same cell line from transient to stable production, the risk of product quality drift can be reduced during the transition from pre-clinical to clinical development.

Learning Objectives: 

1. Learn how the ExpiCHO system can improve your processes
2. How to lower risks during the biologics development process

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JAN 31, 2019 9:00 AM PST

Streamlining the Biologics Development Process: From Transient to Stable Production in the ExpiCHO System

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