Dermatology: the branch of medicine dealing with the skin, nails, hair and its diseases. It is a specialty with both medical and surgical aspects. The skin is the largest and most visible organ of the body. It reflects the health of the body and acts as a barrier against injury and bacteria. A dermatologist treats diseases and some cosmetic problems of the skin, scalp, hair, and nails.
To bring your cutting-edge cell and gene therapies to the patients that need them as quickly as possible, you need access to the most knowledgeable scientists, innovative technologies, metho...
OCT 11, 2022 | 7:00 AM
Date: October 11, 2022 Time: 7:00am (PDT), 10:00am (EDT), 4:00pm (CEST) Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the leading health threats facing humankind. With AMR, microbes can withstand...
Date: November 4, 2020 Time: 6:00am (PDT), 9:00am (EDT) The Global Scar Society was formed to gain consensus for and promote best practice in the prevention and treatment of abnormal & e...
Early detection is critical for improved survival in melanoma. Melanocytic nevi are extremely common benign tumors that mimic melanoma and are therefore commonly biopsied. Currently, the dete...
With nearly 9 million covered lives serviced through over 150 medical centers, the VA is one of the largest, unified Healthcare System within the United States. Embedded within this system is...
DATE: June 5, 2018TIME: 06:30AM PDT, 3:30PM CEST Viscous liquids are a challenge in every lab that deals with them. Depending on how viscous a liquid is, pipetting is either...
A recently discovered communication system used by cells to send messages across the human body promises to revolutionize our understanding of disease and how we treat it. Technologies based...
DATE: November 17th, 2015TIME: 8am PDT, 11am EDT, 4pm GMTBiobanks provide important capacity to collect large genomic data sets intended to enable the study of genetic signatures of an...
The assessment of pigmented lesions is a difficult area of dermatology and dermatopathology. Melanoma is the leading cause of cancer in woman age 25-29 years, yet it is also a leading c...